Anti-resolution: How to build healthy habits that stick

February 21st, 2023

Want to stop breaking your resolutions? Stop making them!

Every day is the right day to incorporate healthier behaviors into your daily life. If you find you can’t keep New Year’s resolutions (or the ones you made last week), don’t sweat it! Take small steps, one at a time, and you’ll be on a path to a healthier you. Better to work up a sweat walking than beating yourself up!

Making (and keeping) healthy habits is easier than you may think. Especially when you have a team behind you that’s a constant healthy influence. Here are a couple of ways to stay on track all year.

Don’t be so hard on yourself

You don’t have to be perfect. You’ll have good days and bad days. You don’t need a lecture. You need a trusted mentor and cheerleader on your side. We get it. Sometimes all you need is an encouraging person in your corner reminding you, “You got this!”

Stay ahead of the curve

Feel yourself getting discouraged? Having the urge to act out with food or skip that daily walk and couch surf instead? Maybe you’re experiencing allergies or migraines or just having a bad day. It happens, but instead, you can get ahead of the blues or blahs by reaching out for help. You can do this by checking in with your wellness coach, doctor, dietitian or therapist. And if you’re looking for help, our team of healthcare providers and coaches can help you stop that negativity in its tracks and get you back to feeling well.

Turn off your phone

Electronic devices stimulate your brain, which can sometimes cause agitation and irritability. Conversely, watching endless videos of cute puppies can be mind-numbing and cause you to lose your motivation. Either way, turning off your phone and going for a swim, a workout class or cooking a delicious, healthy meal can relax and energize you. Don’t worry, the puppies will be there when you return.

Helping others is healthy

You may find that doing things for others has health benefits for you. Things like volunteering, helping your child with homework, giving back to a group you support or supporting an animal rescue can be good for your own mental and spiritual health. Even simple acts of kindness can become habit-forming.

We’re here to help

Ready to build healthier habits that are easier to maintain year-round? Count on your HY/ Teladoc Health team to help you stay well physically and emotionally for now and on the road ahead. The truth is, helping you makes us feel good too.

HY/ Teladoc Health virtual visits may be offered through your employer or health plan benefits.