Better safe than scratchy: skin allergies and rashes 101

July 17th, 2023
skin allergies

When something is wrong with your skin, your whole body may feel off. This makes perfect sense, as your skin is your body’s biggest organ. It works to protect you from harmful bacteria, chemicals and temperatures.1

Your skin is also the part of you everyone sees. Any issue with it naturally may cause you to feel self-conscious and even leery of asking questions. But, know you’re not alone. Skin allergies and rashes are common.2

Also know we’re here for you. You may be tempted to try a DIY treatment. But, this could end up making the condition worse in the long run. The good news is we have a discreet solution you can use to get help.

Let’s talk about some possible symptoms and causes of skin allergies and rashes.

Why the rub? The answer may be allergies. Allergies are one of the causes of rashes and other skin issues for children and adults. An allergen is something your body thinks will harm you. A skin allergy appears if your immune system reacts unusually to an allergen.

Skin allergy symptoms include:


Cracked skin


Raised bumps


Scaling or flaking


Skin allergy causes include:

Cold or hot temperatures





Pet dander

Poison ivy


Water (from a lake, river, pond or pool)


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Rashing out?

Skin rashes vary widely. They may be dry, itchy, scaly or red. They may also appear as blotches, blisters or welts.4

Common rashes include:

Eczema.5 This is also sometimes called atopic dermatitis, which is the most common type of eczema. Skin with eczema can be dry, red, irritated and itchy. Sometimes eczema causes small bumps filled with fluid. The fluid may be clear or yellow. People with eczema often have a history of allergies in their family.

Hives. Hives are red bumps or welts. There are two types of hives: acute urticaria and chronic urticaria. Hives that last less than six weeks are acute urticaria. This type is most often caused by allergy or infection. Hives that last over six weeks are chronic urticaria. The cause is largely unknown.

Contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis occurs when skin contacts an allergen or irritant, including:



Laundry detergents and fabric softeners

Metals like nickel

Nail polish

Topical lotions, creams or medications


Latex or elastic gloves


Photoallergic contact dermatitis is another type of rash. It’s caused by sunlight shining on:


Some perfumes

Shaving lotion6

Some rashes are more serious than others. Find out when to get emergency care.

Play it safe with your skin

If you think there is something off with your skin, get it checked out. Our HealthiestYou Dermatology service makes it easy and fast.

It’s confidential, and you don’t need an appointment. And, you can get help from the comfort of your home. The dermatologist will receive the information and images you provide. They will review these independently and send back recommendations you can review at a time that’s convenient for you.

Learn more about our dermatology service.

How to use HealthiestYou Health Dermatology:

Upload photos of your skin issue

Start an online review with a board-certified dermatologist to get help for rashes, sunburns, skin infections, moles and more. No video or phone call with the doctor is needed.

Get a custom treatment plan in 24 hours or less

Receive your dermatologist’s diagnosis and treatment plan via your HY messaging center. Prescriptions, if needed, can be sent to your pharmacy of choice.

Ask a follow-up question, if needed

Send a follow-up message to your dermatologist online or in the HY app for up to 7 days after your review.